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SONG/jeux [sɔ̃ʒ] Dreams (2020-24)

La Belle Equipe, equal voices ensemble

Singing, dreaming, playing, dreaming and singing.
A show for families, children and adults mixed,
a show to discover art music without overthinking.

If Music was a game for dreaming

By “La Belle Equipe” : 5 singers

With a malicious complicity, they delight us with short a capella pieces sometimes humorous or more serious and nostalgic. As in a dream, they invite composers and poets of works to tell us their lives, their dreams, their rivalries.

They  draw the music, invent the soundtrack of a comic strip, create a score for toys,  «slam» a poem of love, and sing to have fun.

From the nursery rhyme to the lyrical melody, from the borborygme to the gibberish, they walk from one sound to the other with appetite and malice.
Through the works of Béla Bartók and György Ligeti, and their research inspired by the popular songs of their country, we meet some of their students, or others from Japan to Brazil via Armenia.

Singing, dreaming, playing, dreaming and singing.
A show for families, children and adults mixed,
a show to discover art music without overthinking.

show commissioned for the exhibition “the colour Symphony or how to paint music ?” Préau des Accoules/Museum for children March 2021



FRANCE, ferme du Temple, Grateloup ,Comac and Maison du chant, Marseille
FRANCE, Marseille (23/04), Toulouse (30/09), Albi (1/10), DANEMARK, Holstebro (10/06), ITALIE, Lecce (12/07)
FRANCE, Marseille (6 et 7/05)

  • Concert

  • Casting

    Musical direction: Brigitte Cirla
    Brigitte Cirla, Anne-Lise Lionnet, Mireille Mammini, Brigitte Manoukian, Graziella Végis.
    Scénography: Brigitte Cirla, Graziella Végis et Benoit Bouchié (inspired conceptor)
    Costumes: Graziella Végis

  • Partenaires

    Production Indéchiffrables
    Co-production: Voix Polyphoniques
    Institutionnal support:  

  • Répertoire

    Three Nonsense Song, Matyas Seiber,  text de Edward Lear (Great Britain) translation B. Cirla

    Sine nomine et sine sensu Ernani Aguiar (Brazil)

    Màtraszentimrei György Ligeti ( Hungary)

    Passionnément Lionel Ginoux (France)

    Hotaru Koi. Ro Ogura (Japan)

    Stripsody Cathy Berberian (USA)

    4 pour 1 / Marelle Improvisation vocale, Jean Yves Pénafiel (France)

    Les cloches d’Alexandre Nadine Estève (France)

    Dravidian Dithyramb Victor Paranjoti (India)

    Tchinares et Oror Shanklin (Arménia)