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Immoral Recipes (2023-2024)

Sound drama for voice and live electronics

Literature, especially poetry, is full of texts on the pleasures of food, the voluptuousness of wine,  the ambiguity of the art of seduction and its relationship to good food. There are numerous French expressions and synonyms: devouring, swallowing, nibbling, ingesting, gorging, eating, biting, lunching or dining, tasting, slurping, pecking, gulping, eating with relish. Gourmets are everywhere!
The act of sitting down at the table produces a multitude of innuendos in our chidish imaginations. Together Brigitte Cirla and Sébastien Béranger have created a musical show on this ambiguous theme, the theme suggested by the sensual, poetic and nourishing pleasures of the mouth.

A quasi-radio show performed and transformed in real time in front of the public

Immoral Recipes is based on the book of the same name by Manuel Vásquez Montalbán. In his preface, the author states that “Each of these recipes is a bid for an alternative morality, a hedonistic morality that is within the reach of the disciples of instant gratification, consisting as it does in the use and perhaps even the abuse of basic knowledge: knowing how to cook,  how to eat, attempting to learn to love…”.
The duo of Brigitte Cirla and Sébastien Béranger base their writing on a joyful premise.



Chapelle Venel Aix en Provence
19 & 21/01/24
Pic Télémaque, Marseille
15 et 16/02/24
Gare aux artistes, Montrabé 31850, La Palette des Possibles, Toulouse
Astronef, Marseille
05 & 06/04/24
Le Frigo, Albi 81000/ Ferme du temple, Grateloup 47400
18 et 23/05/24
Athénor, CNCM Saint Nazaire 44600 – Festival Oh ma Parole! Marseille
  • Immoral recipies

  • Residencies

    • Summer  &  automn 23 @ Writing/Designing,  Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille
    • 17/11/2023 @ La Maison des écritures contemporaines (MéCA), chapelle Venel, Aix-en-Provence
    • 19/01/24 @ PIC Télémaque, Marseille (scolaire)
    • 21/01/24 @ PIC Télémaque, Marseille
    • 15/02/24 @ Gare aux artistes, Monrabé (31)
    • 16/02/24 @ La Palette des Possibles, Toulouse (31)
    • 23/02/24 @ L’Astronef, Marseille
    • 05/04/24 @ Le Frigo, Albi
    • 06/04/24 @ La Ferme du Temple, Grateloup
    • 18/05/24 @ Festival de l’Eau – Athénor – CNCM, Saint-Nazaire
    • 23/05/24 @ Festival Oh ma Parole! -Mairie 6-8 – Marseille
    • 19/07/24 @ Festival Festivoce, Pigna
    • 29/07/24 @ Festival Transit, Stendis Danemark
    • 05 -10/09/24 @ Festival Transmission, transgresssion, tradition, Ayllon, Espagne
    • 17/11/24 @ La Maison du Chant, Marseille


  • Partners & Producers

    Production :

    • delegated production : Diƒƒƒusion
    • coproduction : Voix Polyphoniques


    • Pôle instrumental contemporain – PIC Télémaque
    • La Gare aux Artistes, Montrabé
    • Le Frigo, Albi
    • Fondation Camargo, Cassis
    • L’Astronef, l’extra-théâtre, Marseille
    • La Maison des écritures contemporaines (MéCA), Aix-en-Provence (MéCA)

    with the support of Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, de la Région Sud – Carte blanche aux artistes et de la Maison de la musique contemporaine